bath crashers – please come crash my baths!

DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats.
Hi there! I'm Anna, the voice behind Directions Not Included. I'm a marketer, crafter, DIYer and lover of all things home related. You can usually find me covered in paint, cuddled with one of my pets or in front of a computer or other digital device. Thanks for reading Directions Not Included. I hope you stick around.
Directions Not Included follows the DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats as they take one old Florida home and make it theirs.
This blog will feature DIY tips, before and after photos, craft tutorials, home decor trends, and gratuitous pictures of our five rescued furry children.
Copyright 2010 - 2014. Directions Not Included - Anna Cruz-Morales.
The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to my site and credit given to Directions Not Included. Please share only one image and direct readers to my site. A notification email would be greatly appreciated.
Would I be horrible if i told you I loved your bathrooms? Oh but who wouldnt dream about the rain shower you posted!!
Watch the show all the time looking for ideas for our bathroom that we need to Remodel desperately,We live in Spiro Oklahoma.
We are all hoping for the same thing!
Oh my! Someone loved pink :-/. I hope you are able to do some remodeling soon 🙂
you have to check out this site http://savethepinkbathrooms.com/ you will probably laugh and then cry to think there are people out there that would want to save those rooms. I’m not going to go so far as to say I love any of them but they are kind of fun in a retro sort of way. I say embrace them and make them super funky until you renovate!
I look for all three of the Crashers hosts! Haven’t found them yet, but I’ll let you know if I do!
On another note, the colored toilets and sinks would look pretty if the rest of the room was updated. Maybe I’m crazy, but I think the right color palet would make them more modern.
Stopping by on the “Good Friends Just Click” Blog Hop and am a new follower via GFC and Facebook!
Haha you must’ve had some pretty interesting folks living there before you!
OMG… those pictures of beautiful bathrooms have left me drooling. Can somebody actually have such gorgeous bathrooms :O :O
Yes! We have twinsie laminate! Our other bath is all baby blue. I can’t tell you how I dream of reno day!
I could only dream of having THREE bathrooms.You are a lucky person!
Thanks, Crystal! Only two work. We gutted the master bedroom one and it is currently used as storage so don’t be too jealous 😉
Great show shotty camera work,in and out in and out real annoying.
Hi, I love watching Bath Crashers. Our bathroom is in desperate need of a CRASH. Our bathroom is small & only has a shower, toilet & sink in it. The tiles on the ceiling over the shower are starting to mold because there isn’t any ventilation in the winter months & I’m afraid that it’s turning into black mold. If it hasn’t already. Also I’m not to sure that the tiles aren’t asbestos either. We can’t afford to do this on our own. I would love to have our bathroom crashed. Looking forward to hearing from you.