The possibility of actually having a decent amount trick-or-treaters this year made me go a little overboard with the candy and Halloween in general. When I was a kid, we used to leave a basket outside with little bags with candy for all the kids who would stop by our house while my parents would take my sister and me trick-or-treating. Even though we’ll be home on Halloween night I still wanted to make little bags to give the kids.

how cute and special for the kids! you really went all out. as amom, i always appreciate the homes that put together such cute and thougthful treat bags!
I will be trick or treating at your house this year. In lieu of kids I may bring my animals dressed in the costumes they hate to wear…
too cute! I love their costumes. I made Norman a fez but he wont wear it.
haha your dogs are too funny in their costumes! My kitten would like some of your bat confetti from your cute bat bags, please. 🙂
Oh my gosh – I LOVE this so much! The submarine and fish theme is just toooo cute! And I LOOOOOVE your blog makeover – it’s adorable! : )
-Mel the Crafty Scientist
Those bags are so cute! You are going to have some very happy trick or treaters:)
These are adorable and your trick-or-treaters are going to be quite happy. 🙂 Cute doggie costumes.