Happy Monday! We had a great weekend including helping out with a surprise beer tasting party at a friend’s house. In all the the excitement and last minute prep, we forgot the camera so I apologize for the iPhone photos. We had a hard time getting the birthday boy ouf the house to set up so it called for some last minute running around.

I made the little signs for the food inside and outside. Each had a bottle cap looking tag that said ‘Manny’s Brewery’ in honor of the birthday boy. Yes, I can call him boy because with a birth year of 1984, there is no better description. Makes me feel old looking at that date!

There was a nice selection of beers for while we were waiting for the guest of honor to show up and to enjoy after the tasting. As you can tell, it was definitely a drinking kind of evening. There was also wine for those who don’t care for beer or just can’t drink it (like me!).

For the actual beer tasting part, everyone who was able to participate had a little note card I made to jot down their favorite and not so favorite beers.

This is a horrible shot but everyone tried from the selection of 6 beers. The variety included English, Belgium. German and US breweries and different styles of beer. If anyone is interested, I can let you know which ones they tried and why. My best friend, S, gave some insight on the beers and their history which everyone enjoyed. She shared some facts about the brewing process and how that changes the flavor of each beer. She went to beer school while she worked at an amazing beer bar in D.C. during college. Google can help you find all sorts of info for an event like this.

Again, it was a drinking kind of evening so there are not tons of photos but it was a fun party and one we will definitely to again. It was such an easy type of party to organize after picking out a selection of beers available in our local groceries. Next time we are planning a wine tasting party so I can play too 🙂

that looks like so much fun!!! a fabulous idea!
but i can’t help but linger on the cake that says “1984” and feel so old. 😉
I love any sort of tasting parties! Looks like fun!
Love it! This would also be great for like a pre bachelor party type situation as well. The Lindemanns Framboise Lambic has my heart, it is my personal fave! Great job!
Glad is was a success – so cute. He has the same birthday as my daughter (but off by 2 years)!
What an awesome party! That definitely sounds like something fun to do for my Hubby!
sounds like it was a blast!
I hope you don’t mind but I tagged you in a little question and answer game. Please don’t feel like you have to do it, but I thought it was kinda fun. 🙂