Even the cats got a little present that we will be planting for them.
PS – Home Depot and SmartGardener have no idea who I am so I have not been compensated for this post. Just sharing the resources I used to start our garden this year.
DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats.
Even the cats got a little present that we will be planting for them.
PS – Home Depot and SmartGardener have no idea who I am so I have not been compensated for this post. Just sharing the resources I used to start our garden this year.
Hi there! I'm Anna, the voice behind Directions Not Included. I'm a marketer, crafter, DIYer and lover of all things home related. You can usually find me covered in paint, cuddled with one of my pets or in front of a computer or other digital device. Thanks for reading Directions Not Included. I hope you stick around.
Directions Not Included follows the DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats as they take one old Florida home and make it theirs.
This blog will feature DIY tips, before and after photos, craft tutorials, home decor trends, and gratuitous pictures of our five rescued furry children.
Copyright 2010 - 2014. Directions Not Included - Anna Cruz-Morales.
The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to my site and credit given to Directions Not Included. Please share only one image and direct readers to my site. A notification email would be greatly appreciated.
I keep pondering an herb garden. Excited to see how yours turns out.
It’s too early to plant here. We’ve had a really warm spring but I’m still holding out until it’s safe..usually around Mother’s Day.
I really want an herb garden this year! I need to get on that!
Good luck! I’m still not sure if anything will grow, but it is kind of fun trying!
i really want to get a garden going- veggie and herb, but i don’t know if we will have time this year. the kids and i planted some flowers the other day though. 🙂 they love helping me dig and plant, especially the digging and finding worms part.
I just started seeds indoors the other day and I feel like I’m kind of late, but the local nursery guru says it’s not too late. So you should be fine, too. I have planted some heirloom tomato seeds that I’m super excited about, so I’m really hoping they sprout soon. Good luck your garden!
Planning does make the difference…although it is not as fun as the actual doing! 🙂
Thanks for the tip! I so need this! Good luck with your garden… I have faith in you!