This post is on the embarrassing side for a DIY blogger. I will not take the blame on how long this took though. I blame the hubby since most of our kitchen delays are due to him. We started our kitchen renovation in 2011. We made major progress and ended up with a pretty finished space with the exception of installing IKEA toe kicks on our cabinets, and a few other odds and ends. It is really not a big deal but it drove me crazy. Cleaning under the cabinets, the ugly cabinet feet showing, … [Read more...]
the list that probably won’t happen – 2013 house goals
Besides getting my blog back in order, we've declared 2013 the year of tackling more projects. 2012 was pretty quiet on the renovation front for us. Between my new job and Ray's pottery business, we've been pretty darn busy. Enough excuses though. This year, we need to tackle some pretty big goals to get us farther along on this reno. Some may be repeats from our 2012 goals that we never got to ;) Driveway Our driveway has seen better days. It is just your basic asphalt circular driveway and … [Read more...]
before and afters – a mini-tour 18 months into renovations
Happy Monday! I'm in route to Denver for the week so posting will be light. We had too much fun this weekend so we didn't get much work done. Those are good weekends though, and we definitely needed it! 18 months into this renovation, I finally decided it would be a good idea to start taking our after photos. The weather was crappy the weekend I decided to do this so I have to take new ones for some rooms so for now here is what we have. The craft room renovation you all know well. Our … [Read more...]
weekend review in pictures
Happy Monday! And yes it is indeed a happy one because I'm off today and plan to keep myself entertained with thrifting, crafting and some fun. We had a busy weekend so here is quick recap in photos. From top left, down, here are the highlights from our weekend. I spy avocados in our yard. DIY simple planter on display. A Midcentury dresser has been found. Wine and lots of it. Herringbone fun at Target. Dogs are the best. And so are cats. Doggy pushpins are a … [Read more...]
painted exterior brick – from dark to light
A more appropriate title for this post would be "Painted exterior brick - Finally revealing after 6 months". 6 months to finally take pictures and write a post - can we say slacker?! We painted the entire exterior of our home back in December as we prepped for a huge baby shower and I finally get around to showing you guys. Last time I checked, it was June. I have plenty of excuses but let's just pretend that time is going by at lightening speed. Great, I'm glad you are on the same page. We … [Read more...]
weekend plans – more exposed beam ceiling work
Anyone have good weekend plans? We are have a fun-filled weekend slowly working on the exposed beam ceiling in our family room. I'm going to be honest here, this is one those projects that I know will be worth every minute when it is done but for the time being, it sucks. Really, really sucks. So time consuming and brutal on the back and neck.We've made progress though. Insulation, drywall and vents are in. All the drywall is perfectly primed and painted. As if that wasn't enough fun, we need to … [Read more...]
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