Thank you for visiting Directions Not Included. Just to be clear, I do not sell or share your data to any third-party. At this point (March 2013) I don’t even email you, unless you have signed up for post subscriptions or to reply to a comment. On most blogs, just like this one, the main purpose for collecting each commenter’s email address is so that we can reply and say thanks, to answer your questions, or just to engage with you. I have no interest in making money from your data. And never will.
Please remember that this is a public website. If you write your full personal info into the name field or in the body of the comment, people who visit this site or have malicious intentions can find it. BUT if you enter your email address in the comment section, only I can see if and communicate with you, if desired. Use common sense when commenting on this blog and others, and remember the internet remembers everything. You don’t want to add your address or really identifying info unless you don’t care if people find out. Be internet savvy people!
If you ever have questions about this policy or our disclosure, email me at Anna [Directions Not Included] so we are all on the same page.