One of my favorite things in the house is this beautiful wild orchid tree in our front yard. The color is spectacular and my lawn is always sprinkled with these stunning flowers. It attracts hummingbirds too so I bought this hummingbird feeder from Target to see if I can catch some photos of them...hard as it might be. We are making great progress on the kitchen which I can't wait to share. Have a wonderful Wednesday!Thanks for following Directions Not Included! … [Read more...]
pet crafts: how to help build a patio
The mutts thought it would be helpful to give a tutorial for all those DIY pets out there. They were instrumental in helping us get the yard a little more presentable. Do your pets help out on your projects? ***Step 1: Roll in the dirt bowl in the backyard every single day to ensure Mommy and Daddy understand that fixing up the yard should move up on the priority to-do list. Step 2: Supervise the placement of each paver to make sure you approve the location and spacing. After all, your little … [Read more...]