Happy Monday! We had a great weekend including helping out with a surprise beer tasting party at a friend's house. In all the the excitement and last minute prep, we forgot the camera so I apologize for the iPhone photos. We had a hard time getting the birthday boy ouf the house to set up so it called for some last minute running around. This is the bottle cap inspired cake that was made with some of the snacks in the background. I'm thankful I was not trusted to make the cake. I made the … [Read more...]
beer tasting party – ideas
I have a dear friend who has made me her party planner. She is very sneaky. She'll ask me for my opinion on something and gets me hooked on the idea. Before I know it, I'm making all sorts of things before I have even realized what is happening. Baby shower? Done. First birthday party for her son? Done. Wedding? I have a list of to-dos to last me until their November wedding date. And yes, they did things backwards. She even told the priest I was her wedding planner before telling me! She's … [Read more...]