I guess it really should be summer cleaning since it is in the 90s out. Whatever the case, the time to get organized has arrived. I've admitted I might have a slight problem with Target and various craft stores. Due to my shopping habit the craft room closet was looking a little shabby with all my recent purchases. I have all this wonderful space to store things and had great intentions to keep everything perfectly organized true to my OCD tendencies. As is the case when there are too many … [Read more...]
phase 2
Our house renovation is being done in phases. Why? Because money does not grow on trees (unfortunately) and we don't have a ton of time to spare. We have pretty much finished up the front part of the house. Is it all furnished? Do we have base boards? Are all the light fixtures done? Of course not! But it looks nice enough to invite people over for dinner and drinks now. Pictures to come soon :)That is enough for me to start planning how we are going to tackle Phase 2. What is included in Phase … [Read more...]
working 9 to 5 – craft room
I work full time in a demanding corporate job and also decided to take the plunge and start an MBA program last summer. Having a dedicated and organized space for all the work and school stuff going on was a top priority. I also love crafting so having a full room for all of this is a huge treat. Somehow I managed to convince the hubby that the first room is the house that had to be 90% done would be the office/craft room. Yes, even before the kitchen...I have my priorities straight ;)Our story … [Read more...]