So while many of you might strongly dislike me during the winter months while I’m posting pictures of the sunny outdoor projects I’m working on, this is the time of year you are happy that you are not my neighbor - hurricane season is here! June 1st marked the arrival of my least favorite time of the year and we must deal with it through November 30th. Hurricanes have been a recurring theme with my relationship with Ray. We went on our first date in 2001 because my class had been cancelled … [Read more...]
a green home – climbing ivy
Since we cleared up the landscaping we decided we were not really fond of the starkness of the front of the house. The porch area with the turquoise door has some interesting elements and will hopefully look great once we figure out how to update the columns and put up the decorative shutters again. In contrast, the other side of the house just looks blah now. And yes, this photo is right before we planted the oak trees. There is not much we can do besides adding a bunch of landscaping in … [Read more...]
you spent how much on trees? – planting oaks
As you may already know from previous posts, I am a plant killer. The hubby on the other hand actually has a green thumb and is slightly obsessed with trees…specifically oaks. I think he might like trees more than me some days. We cleared out much of the overgrown jungle in our house earlier this summer as we worked towards our new landscape plans. This is the somewhat blank slate we are starting with. We’ve been researching online and paying extra attention on our walks/drives through the … [Read more...]
painted exterior brick – from dark to light
A more appropriate title for this post would be "Painted exterior brick - Finally revealing after 6 months". 6 months to finally take pictures and write a post - can we say slacker?! We painted the entire exterior of our home back in December as we prepped for a huge baby shower and I finally get around to showing you guys. Last time I checked, it was June. I have plenty of excuses but let's just pretend that time is going by at lightening speed. Great, I'm glad you are on the same page. We … [Read more...]
year 2 – 2012 house renovation plans
2012 marks the beginning of our second year in this house. Some days it feels like we have been here forever, other days I still can't believe we moved. We have made a lot of progress in the past year but there is hopefully a lot more to come in 2012. At least I really hope so. While I love the renovating, I am looking forward to a bit of a rest for the big projects. I'm going to do my best to get a good photo tour of the house in the current state done in the next few weeks. Let's hope for some … [Read more...]
1 year blog anniversary and a sneak peak
Well, it was actually yesterday but I was so tired I didn't move from the couch for most of the day. It has been a long and crazy year but it is so worth it. We closed on this house on the 21st of December last year. Most of our friends and family thought we had lost our minds especially when the house was looking like this. I started this blog with this post thanks to my cousin, JandJHome's encouragement. I've had so much fun documenting the journey and sharing it with all of you. I can't wait … [Read more...]