I love my craft room, I really do. Is it perfect? No, come on, I'm a real person. It looks pretty in pictures but there is cat hair on things and an overall mess on more days than I want to admit. There is a wall in the craft room I rarely show. The intention was for it to be a gallery wall of all inspirational images and things. Right now it is not that...it is looking okay but not what I really wanted. I'm not thrilled about the placement. It needs some fine tuning and in places where there … [Read more...]
the loss of a legend – steve jobs
I know this is a DIY renovation and craft blog but I am a marketer by trade with a huge focus on technology. The loss of Steve Job's last night hit me hard. I always had a far fetched dream of working for him. In remembrance here are the words to my favorite Apple commercial ever. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You … [Read more...]
brought to you by the letter m
Pinterest is causing my list of projects to get longer and longer each day. I wouldn't have it any other way though...it is lots of fun. I pinned this image awhile back and decided to tackle it this weekend. The great thing about Pinterest is the ability to go back to the original source of the link, in this case, I'll Get You My Pretties.Original Tutorial - From My PrettiesI raided the hubby's tool box and lucky for him, there wasn't a wide selection of washers. I picked up a few packs of … [Read more...]
the little things
Sometimes life gets too crazy for the big projects around the house that are left to be done and I can't commit the time to work on a full scale craft projects. When that happens, I try to keep busy with the little things. It makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something even if I only have 5 minutes here and there. Last week was finals weeks for me in grad school so everything else took a back seat. When I needed a sanity break from studying I worked on a few of these to keep me … [Read more...]