1. I’ve seen Bob Dylan in concert more than 20 times and stopped counting long ago.
2. My three dogs are named after Bob Dylan or his songs.
3. My favorite part of the day is cuddling with Ray and the mutts right before we fall asleep.
4. I have an unhealthy obsession with my iPhone.
5 My iPod is the soundtrack to my life. I make playlists for every mood, certain people and times of my life.
6. I’m terrified of flying and think I’m going to die on every flight I get on.
7. I hate drinking water and have to force myself to do it with every glass.
8. After being employed in the mall spraying perfume for years, the only perfume I can stand on myself is baby cologne.
9. My all time favorite comfort food is white rice with fried eggs and french fries mixed in.
10. My closet is color coordinated and organized by style.
11. I really dislike South Florida and I’m always house hunting in other city/states but would never move because of my family.
12. I judge people who think life should be handed to them without having to work for it.
13. I have Celiac disease and have been living gluten free since 2008.
14. I have an unusually good memory with birthdays. If you’ve told me your birthday once, I most likely will know it for life.
16. I have flat feet. Absolutely no arch at all.
17. I love singing in the car.
18. I am a planner and not one for spontaneity.
19. I cry whenever I travel because I’m going to miss my husband and my babies but I still love traveling.
20. I’ve been going to the same hair stylist for over 15 years.
21. My favorite sound in the world is my dog Dylan’s complaining sound. It can make me smile and laugh no matter how horrible of a mood I’m in.
22. I’ll write things on my to do list that I already did just to be able to cross them off.
23. I wish I would have had the chance to meet my grandfathers.
24. I love it that my friends have taught their kids to call me Tia Anna (Aunt Anna in Spanish). It makes my heart melt every time I hear it.
25. I haven’t slept a solid night in years.
ohhh, I HATE flying too! I have to fly to portland next month, change planes, (more landing and taking off) I too feel like I’ll never make it home. We ARE silly!
Happy Birthday (for next week) That is a bad bd to have. so sorry.
I have been going to the same hair stylist for over 30 years!!! Ever since I was pregnant with jamie.
Loved your list!
have a great weekend!
this was a really fun list! i think your comfort food sounds really funny! 🙂 and i, too, make playlists for everything. without fail every october i crave very melancholy music… tracy chapman makes all of those lists! 🙂 i sing very loudly in the car- emmy sometimes blocks her ears. that makes me feel kinda bad but i keep singing anyhow. and i thought i was the only one who had to force water down- i am not a water drinker… i “like” it, but i don’t like making myself drink it! even when i work out i don’t even drink that much.
How fun! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing! You inspired me to post my own…and I TOTALLY write things on my list that I just did and cross them off…thought I was the only one! Thanks for admitting that and making me feel normal….
I totally am with you on #22. and a few others 😛
I do this too!
22. I’ll write things on my to do list that I already did just to be able to cross them off.
I think I learned it from my dad..it’s an addiction. A very weird addiction…
I do this too!
22. I’ll write things on my to do list that I already did just to be able to cross them off.
I think I learned it from my dad..it’s an addiction. A very weird addiction…
I think if I made a list I’d have over half of yours on mine! I do so many of the same things!!!