This post is sponsored by Plaid Crafts. I received materials for this project and compensation for my time, but all opinions are most definitely my own!
If you’ve been around here for even a bit, you know I love stencils. Even with my ability to make my own stencils from freezer paper or vinyl, good quality, reusable stencils are always great to have on hand. I was really excited to try out the new Stencil1 line because their edgy, modern designs are fun and different. To be honest, my fingers were crossed that my package would include one of their large format stencils, which are perfect for walls, floors and furniture, but alas beggars can’t be choosers 😉 And when you receive a cool set of stencils and some FolkArt paint, you get to creating!
FolkArt paints are great on multiple surfaces, inside and out. These nautical-themed stencils reminded me that I had not provided any sort of the decor for a favorite little munchkin’s outdoor play space. A blank framed wood sign, stencils and outdoor safe paint = inspiration found.
I wanted to give the stencils something a little more to stand out against, so I whitewashed the wood. My very technical way of creating the right whitewash was to pour some leftover white latex house paint in a plastic cup, add some water and mix it all up. I’m sure there are better ways and more accurate recipes, but this worked just fine.
Once the whitewash had dried, it was time for stenciling. Using some handy tape, I held down the stencil so my hands were free. These type of stencils can slip so don’t be afraid to go crazy with the tape, especially if you are trying to do something at an angle or slightly off center with your piece. Now, these are good quality mylar stencils that are very easy to clean and very durable. As you can see here, I clearly did not clean them after I tested out the stencil for the first time. Have no fear! -Messy crafters can still use these and experience no harmful effects 😉 But seriously folks, clean your stencils. These are dishwasher safe so you have no excuses.
I used the gray FolkArt paint on the rope texture stencil to frame the piece since it was my favorite out of the bunch. Then I used the FolkArt blue paint for the anchor. If you are going layer a stencil over another stencil, or even tape over it, make sure the bottom one is dry. Don’t be impatient and smear your work.
You will hear all sorts of advice on what the best brushes are for stencils. I honestly have no favorites, but the one thing I always advise when using stencils is to not add too much paint to the brush. I always pour a little, dab my brush in it, then dry it off a bit before applying. This technique helps prevent bleeding of the paint under the stencil.
Here is a close up so you can see the details of the stencil. Very good quality stuff. A a nice stencil will give you a clean edge even if you are messy like me.
So there you have it. Stenciled nautical art for a playroom, kid’s room or anywhere else that needs a nautical or beachy theme.
My munchkin’s outdoor play space is currently covered in snow and I’m in sunny Florida so all these shots are still from here. I have a few more projects in mind with these stencils for his space, but it has to stop snowing before I will even consider visiting. 😉
If you are interested in checking out the Stencil1 line (which I highly recommend you do!) you will be able to find them at Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft stores soon.
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