Some good friends of ours were supposed to spend a sunny, fun-filled weekend with us back in March. They had to cancel their much needed trip at the very last minute. It is the strangest thing to be happy that your friends cancel a trip to see you. That sounds odd, right? Well, it was for the BEST reason. They got word that they were bringing home a sweet little boy of their very own. They got the adoption call the same week they were scheduled to come down here. Baby > Miami. This has been a … [Read more...]
it’s a boy – what the duck is it gender reveal & baby shower
Oh hi there. I won't even say I'm back for real or try to excuse my absence but my day-job has put definitely put a damper on my blogging the last few months. Why do I have to be a grown up? Yeah, so...just before my most recent hiatus, I was blogging about my bestie being pregnant. We hosted her what the duck is it gender reveal and baby shower this past weekend. All inspired by a cute invite we found on TinyPrints. It was an unconventional baby shower and gender reveal at a bar. Yes, a bar. … [Read more...]