Since digital cameras took over we have been horrendous at printing pictures. Even more so when our lives were taken over by iPhones. Tell me we are not alone? We don't have kids so I really had no excuse in my mind to start printing pictures for albums. I have so many shots I would want somewhere else besides my phone, but have been very lazy about it. In comes the idea of a DIY Instagram photo display. This is all over blogland already, but I finally got around to printing out some pictures … [Read more...]
i got nothing for you – Instagram photos
As much as I would like to say I finished some great craft or renovation projects in the past few weeks, it is not true. I have tons of things in progress but alas, nothing is done. So what do I have for you? Instagram photos. This was my day yesterday. Okay, let's be honest. This has been my life for the past two weeks. Not enough coffee in the morning...Too much wine at night.That's about right...Thanks for following Directions Not Included! … [Read more...]
photo-a-day challenge – february
I love browsing the photos on Instagram, and recently joined at the urging of my cousin. Getting to see a little snapshot of someone's life is a great little distraction during the day. The House of Smiths just posted they are joining the Photo-a-day Challenge hosted by Fat Mum Slim so I meandered on over to see what it was all about. The concept is simple. Fat Mum Slim provides an inspiration theme for the day's photo. You take the photo with your free Instagram app on your smart phone, and … [Read more...]