Since I was born on Valentine’s Day, I have always had an aversion of anything heart and pink related. I’ve made a few crafts here and there but not really for my own home. This year, I decided to embrace it and add something for the front door since needed something before I put up a spring or summer wreath. For the time being, we have a simple Valentine’s Day wreath to grace the front door. Shocker! It is heart-shaped and has pink in it! I might have been drinking when I made it. That is the only explanation.
I bought a heart-shaped grapevine wreath and ribbon at Michaels with 50% off coupons and used yarn I had on hand. Took all of 10 – 15 minutes to make the pom poms while watching Modern Family on TV. I glued them on the wreath form in all about 3 minutes.
Then added a simple ribbon tie to hang it on the door.
That’s about as much as I can do for a holiday I don’t care for. It still is cute! Try to make dinner reservations on your birthday during the “most romantic” holiday of the year…impossible! That is probably why I hate it so much. We always have to celebrate early or late. Do the like Valentine’s Day? Do you decorate for it?
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