If you found this on Pinterest and are looking for my recovery notes, pictures and progress are available here:http://directionsnotincluded.com/bunion-surgery-recovery
Hi there from the comfort of my sofa. This is a different kind of renovation post – a little reconstruction to get myself back in working order.I had bunion surgery on my left foot today, it was actually surgery on the big toe and my pinky since I had different kinds of bunions on both. Sounds like fun, right? It’s been over 12 hours since the surgery and I’m doing okay. It isn’t a cake walk by any means, but it isn’t as bad as I expected. Granted my foot is still partially numb, but I hope to start feeling like I don’t have a 500lb left foot soon. If you or anyone you are close to is considering bunion surgery, I’m keeping notes on my bunion surgery recovery to share with anyone interested, just not on the blog. People not considering bunion surgery do not want to be subjected to that. Hell, I don’t even want to be subjected to it considering what I’ve seen out there! I’m keeping notes to share because so far this is not as horrific as the stories and blogs I’ve read online. And that isn’t the pain meds talking 😉
Well this wouldn’t be a DIY blog for real, if I didn’t show was I was up to in the house. In classic Anna fashion, I decided to tackle the craft room last week in an attempt to get some more space in there. Especially since I will be working from home for a few weeks post surgery and my crafts have taken over the house. On Saturday night, two nights before surgery, this is what the room was looking like. Who decides to turn an already finished and good looking craft room upside down right before surgery? This crazy girl.
I re-painted the room (same color!), moved some stuff around and made some additions. I’m happy with the progress from Saturday and Sunday, but there are still some items to hang and add. Those have to be saved for when I can stand up again or Ray can get some help. Maybe with the help of my handy dandy knee scooter, I can get some photos in by next week or so.
And since this was a planned surgery, I have some content saved up to hold me over until I’m more mobile. I also expect there may be a series of crotchet projects to hit the blog in the coming weeks since I think this might be the perfect time to perfect my craft learn what I’m doing, while I’m laid out with my furry caretakers by my side 😉
Off to get my ice pack and play on Pinterest. If that was a glass of wine, I could almost pretend this was a lazy, regular, Monday night 😉
Get better soon!
Thank you! 🙂
I hope you have a swift recovery. I might be coming to you for those notes. I have a strong family history of foot problems and both feet have begun to form a nice big toe bunion. ;-(
Eek! I’m keeping detailed notes and I can say that 48 hours later, it still isn’t that bad. I’ll share them all with you. Ask me in a few weeks, but I’m thankful that after this, I should be gone of the daily pain that the bunion had become.
Hi Anna, I am having this op done this coming Thursday will detail my journey also I am a keep fitter so being out of action is not going to go down well with me but hey the foot deformity is distressing me and I look forward to being able to wear my nice shoes and sandals again tx Lorna
How is it going??
hope you are back on your feet soon!!!! and happy crochet-ing! 🙂
Thanks my friend. Right now all I can admit to doing is working and watching endless amounts of HGTV and DIY Network. 😉
With those cute furry caretakers you are in great company. Hope you heal fast, my hubby had both bunions done and he drove me insane LOL men are such babies.
They are cute but not very helpful so far! 😉 Did he do them both at the same time? Ouch! I’m glad I have one good bunion-less foot because I could not imagine not being able to get around at all. Eek!
Hope you are up and about in no time.
Thanks, Lonnie!!
Foot surgery sounds so painful. You’ll feel so much better though once you’re healed. I hope you use this down to chill out. Crocheting sounds relaxing. Take care, Anna!
Thank you, Brandi! It isn’t as bad as I expected. I honestly don’t have pain unless I try and walk…which isn’t happening anytime soon 😉
I am 3 days post-op from bunion surgery. I’d love your notes! How do I get them?
I just had left bunion surgery this morning and came across this blog when on pinterest for pain management ideas.. would love to see the tips on your recovery. tlongmars@gmail.com hope you are doing well!
You poor thing! I hope you recover quickly from this surgery.
Hi! I read your entire bunion blog and am trying so hard to work up the nerve to have the surgery. Wondering how you are doing now – July 2015. Are you able to run again?
Hi Linda! I’m much better. Let me get this updated with pictures and info as I’m way behind on sharing how I’ve progressed. I’m in heels and would be running if I didn’t life get in the way.
I am having bunion surgery this month!! I’d love to hear your experience 🙂
Hi!!! Would love to read your bunion surgery notes. I just had bunion surgery on Tuesday, it is now Friday and I feel numb and tingly…ooh and I
Just got my knee scooter today and whoa, its all cool.
Ruby! You’ll be good before you know it. I’ll post more pictures and updates today. Keep it elevated and lots of ice! The scooter is the best.
Hi Anna – I stumbled across your blog and would love to see your notes post-surgery. I’m having bunion surgery in early December and I’m both excited and very nervous about it. Ready to have a good foot again! Thanks so much