One of the things I mentioned in my previous post about my side job as a corporate office decorator, was the need for artwork for our walls. With a full blank slate to work with we needed something to add life to our space. Luckily, I run the in-house creative team. It is quite a fun job to direct three talented designers on a variety of projects. Fun stuff like office decorating, makes it even better. Two of my very talented designers worked with me on the posters and other design features … [Read more...]
scott olson painting in my house – and update to our ikea hack bar
Picture me doing a happy dance because I am doing an awkward one right now. This Cuban can't dance by the way. Once we refinished the bar area, we knew we wanted artwork or something to anchor the space. I used our IKEA hack bar all the time for parties or as my mantle for holidays. Using the bar as a buffet was perfect use for it but the space was so bare. For a while I was set on using a mirror at the top but Ray was not having it. I honestly thought it would be possible to find a painting or … [Read more...]