Oh Haven, how do I actually describe you? First off, as a delinquent blogger, I shouldn't have even made an appearance. My posting schedule is shameful, and I am for the most part an introvert who hates crowds. That doesn't really translate to blog conference attendee status. Somehow, Haven brings out another side of me that makes me a Haven Maven. It yields an awesome, inspiring, and electric few days. How is it possible that throwing me into a huge crowd like this could actually lead to an … [Read more...]
haven withdrawal
I don’t do well with crowds. I’m not a girl who has a ton of girl friends. And while talkative, I’m usually pretty shy. I was pretty nervous - okay more like seriously nervous - about attending Haven for all those reasons. I’m really glad that I went out of my comfort zone and was fortunate enough to have a chance to attend. I had an amazing time. A really, really amazing time. I was lazy with my camera and it never made it out of my bag so all I have are iPhone photos. Bad blogger! I was … [Read more...]
haven time!!
I’m back…again. So sorry. Please don’t hate me for my hiatus. I have a good reason to be back and finally will be back for good – I’m in Atlanta for the Haven Conference! When I bought my ticket last year it felt it would take forever for the conference to roll around and now it I finally time! I flew in to Atlanta this morning on a very bumpy flight. Can I say how thankful I am that you can buy alcohol on flights? After an easy trip on the MARTA I'm settled in to my room for the … [Read more...]
i’m a blooming blogger today
Happy Friday!! My first week back has been light but only because I'm slowly catching up into the renovation and crafting world again. This weekend in between some fun festivities with friends and family, I'll be working on some crafts and if we get extra time, some much needed house projects. I'm over at The Blooming Hydrangea today as a Blooming Blogger. If you haven't met Ange and seen her blog, you are missing out. She is by far one of the sweetest bloggers I "know". Best part is, I will … [Read more...]