DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats.
Hi there! I'm Anna, the voice behind Directions Not Included. I'm a marketer, crafter, DIYer and lover of all things home related. You can usually find me covered in paint, cuddled with one of my pets or in front of a computer or other digital device. Thanks for reading Directions Not Included. I hope you stick around.
Directions Not Included follows the DIY and craft adventures of two humans, three dogs and two cats as they take one old Florida home and make it theirs.
This blog will feature DIY tips, before and after photos, craft tutorials, home decor trends, and gratuitous pictures of our five rescued furry children.
Copyright 2010 - 2014. Directions Not Included - Anna Cruz-Morales.
The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to my site and credit given to Directions Not Included. Please share only one image and direct readers to my site. A notification email would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there! You know, my husband tends to move things for some reason or another and then never puts them back where they go. I think that’s pretty normal! Great blog!
No. Never. But what he does do…is take all my little piles of papers and stuff and merge it into one neat pile. I had the piles divided into categories of some sort. My messy self needs a neat-nick man like him though.
Lol! Typical! I usually come home to some new piece of technology plugged in with blinking lights and miles of cables attached to it strewn across the bedroom/living room/ kitchen floor. I don’t even know what half of it does! I get a mini anxiety attack everytime something beeps at me!
Hahhahaaa… I love that question! Though the ‘man’ in my life doesn’t always come in my way of decorating the house (probably coz I warn him time and again that it is my business), my dad is always the one who ‘helps’ out mom with decorations. It’s only 1 out of 10 times that his set ups are approved, for all the other times…. well do I need to say any further 😀
I am hosting my first link-up party – Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. Would be glad to see some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.
FH loves to “decorate” his decorating includes taking all the pillows from our rec room and rearranging them in piles. Mainly on the floor. Maybe also some shoes, thankfully none of my good shoes. Why does he do this? So that he can make mountains to climb with his RC Car. I promise you I am not a pedophile, he is a fully grown 6’4″ professional telecomm installer. He even has a tiny RC Car that he takes to hotels to climb things….
Too funny. My husband surprised me recently by starting renovations on our mudroom. That was a good surprise.
But now he’s threatening to adopt one of our guest rooms and turn it into his “wizard room” aka video gaming room. That would be a bad surprise 🙁