ViaThanks for following Directions Not Included! … [Read more...]
holy moly, I’m an MBA!
I'm officially done with my MBA! I still can't believe I'm graduating today. 18 months of a crazy executive MBA while working a demanding full time job and renovating a house by ourselves. I'm not quite sure how I survived. To be honest, I shed a lot of tears and had many meltdowns but I am so glad I finally committed to this. It is something I had to do for myself and I'm glad I did as well as I did.This afternoon, I'll be walking down the stage where I picked up my BBA over 9 years ago. I'm so … [Read more...]
4 + 6 = 10
Happy Anniversary to us! Today is our 10th anniversary of being together. 4 years of dating, 6 years of marriage all celebrated on the same day. We had our first official date on November 5th, 2001. We went to lunch that day because my class was cancelled due to a hurricane watch. He asked me to marry him 4 years later on the same day during a weekend getaway. One year after that we were married on the beach. 10 days or so after Hurricane Wilma did a number on Miami.We still had our … [Read more...]
grad school = unfinished projects but lots of pinning
I have a good 5 or 6 projects in some stage of progress scattered around my craft room and the supplies for a couple of others stored away. Why does grad school have to get in the way? This week was horrendous but hopefully I'll get into a groove and finish up everything this weekend. Only 42 more days, only 42 more days. If I keep repeating that, I might make it to the end with whatever shreds of sanity I still have left. Besides the obscene amount of Halloween stuff I'm still working on here … [Read more...]
feeling like fall – pumpkin butter recipe
It is definitely beginning to feel like fall around here. This is a highly subjective statement since I live in South Florida. Fall to me means when I go for my morning walk/run, it is hovering around 80 or instead of the 90+ I'm used to most of the year. To me that means it is "cool" enough to break out my favorite fall treat - pumpkin butter. If you like pumpkin, please make this. You will not be disappointed. Pumpkin butter30 ounces canned 100% pumpkin puree or fresh pumpkin1 and 1/4 cups … [Read more...]
the big 40!
I am definitely going to get in trouble for this. The love of my life turns 40 today. He is in denial and refusing to celebrate but that doesn't mean I can't announce it on the interwebs.Happy birthday my love!I'm the Sunday Spotlight today over at Sassy Sites. If you are a new reader, welcome and thanks for stopping by! Thanks again Marni! Thanks for following Directions Not Included! … [Read more...]