I know this is a DIY renovation and craft blog but I am a marketer by trade with a huge focus on technology. The loss of Steve Job's last night hit me hard. I always had a far fetched dream of working for him. In remembrance here are the words to my favorite Apple commercial ever. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You … [Read more...]
gluten free anniversary
So this is technically a DIY and decorating blog but today is my three year anniversary of going gluten free after being diagnosed with Celiac disease so for today it is a food blog. Yes, I know you think it is strange that I'm celebrating an anniversary for being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease that has no cure. You know what? After years of anguish, I am 100% better after going gluten free so for me it is actually a joyful occasion. It has been three years since I had normal beer and … [Read more...]
happy birthday, dear friend
Today would have been the 45th birthday of my dear friend and colleague, Patti. Instead of celebrating with her tonight, we'll be toasting Maker's Mark in her memory. We lost Patti last July to ovarian cancer after a courageous 13-month battle. Throughout it all she never stopped smiling and inspiring all those around her. It is hard to put into words what a powerful influence a person like Patti can have on your life. Her smile was contagious and she truly made an undeniable mark on my life and … [Read more...]
saying goodbye
As we finish packing and start loading the truck, I'm having a really hard time saying goodbye to our current house. This was our first place as a couple and we've lived here for 8 years. As if that wasn't hard enough, this was actually the house I spent most of my childhood in. You see, this house was my grandmother's. It was the first house my family bought when they came from Cuba and I spent most of time there as a kid while my grandmother took care of me.Here is a pint-sized version of me … [Read more...]
packing, packing, packing
I packed my first two boxes back in December before we closed. The husband laughed at me and told me we had plenty of time. I wanted to get a head start knowing that the renovations would suck up all of our time. I've tried to pack a box or two a week but have failed miserably so now we are in the mad dash to pack before the move this weekend.We are only 15 blocks away from our current place so the move is really just a short distance but packing up 8 years worth of stuff is a little … [Read more...]
introducing the pack
Since you will be likely be seeing these faces quite a bit when we move (scheduled for the 5th!!) I thought it would be good to give you a quick introduction to the crazy cast of characters we live with. All these adorable faces are rescued so save a life and rescue a pet. Name: DylanAge: 10.5 yrsLikes: Sushi, his mommy, car ridesDislikes: Bicycles, cucumbers in his sushi, nail trimsName: AnnieAge: 11 yrsLikes: Being brushed, slobbering on the computer screen, her bed by the windowDislikes: … [Read more...]