I should have known it wouldn't last. I killed a succulent. Aren't they supposed to be hearty little plants? The cute succulent garden I had growing in in the living room is no longer a lively addition to our space.Instead, I'm faced with this pathetic sight. Rest in peace little plant. I'm sorry I failed you.I still think my track record is improving. Two out of three isn't so bad! They lasted about four months too. That has to be some sort of milestone...at least for me.I may get "the look" … [Read more...]
my next victims – succulent garden
I bought these little glass hanging planters/candle holders when we first bought the house and they've been sitting in storage since. On my last trip to Home Depot I picked up this assortment of succulents determined to put the glass holders to use. As I was walking towards the hubby in the store, plants in hand and all excited for what I was going to do with them, he says "You are going to kill more plants?" He has no faith in my ability to keep a plant alive. Thanks, babe. I know I do not have … [Read more...]
backyard progress
Summertime in South Florida equals BBQs with friends, enjoying a cold beverage in the yard when the sun and mosquitoes are not in full force. That's all lovely but there was no way that was going to happen in this house unless we took on the beast that was our yard. Let me take you back to when we first closed in late December of this past year. Our yard was looking pretty ragged. A trash pile would be the best description. A dust bowl of dead, patchy grass and a whole mess of construction … [Read more...]