So as you might have noticed, the past few weeks have been pretty lame in terms of content. Bad blogger. Life gets in the way sometimes and like I've said in my blog goals - I want to keep it real. So what has been keeping me pre-occupied? I resigned from my job. My job of 9.5 years. That is a pretty long time. Okay, a REALLY long time considering my age and the job market. I loved my job for many years but the time was right to explore a new opportunity. ViaI'm lucky enough to have found a … [Read more...]
crafting with pets
Do you know those days when you come home from work and you just need to completely disconnect? I'm sure if you are a parent, you might have that feeling after putting the kids to bed some days? Whatever the case, last night was one of those nights. I just need to get myself all wrapped up in some crafts and forget about the day...or week or month. The mutts (the collective name of all 5 of our creatures) had a different idea.Trying to work on my desk gets me this "Touch those canvas things … [Read more...]
our Christmas tree while it lasts…
After I recovered from my mini Black Friday shopping spree, I begged Ray to go get the Christmas tree early on Friday. I was so excited to get it up this weekend. The mutts have always been great with the tree so the only thing on my mind was getting it up and decorated. In our old house the only disaster was that I was always insistent in getting a larger tree than actually fit in our tiny living room. Inevitably, Dylan's butt would knock over the ornaments if they were too low every time he … [Read more...]
this is halloween – trick-or-treat bags
The possibility of actually having a decent amount trick-or-treaters this year made me go a little overboard with the candy and Halloween in general. When I was a kid, we used to leave a basket outside with little bags with candy for all the kids who would stop by our house while my parents would take my sister and me trick-or-treating. Even though we'll be home on Halloween night I still wanted to make little bags to give the kids. I had my handy bat punch and used some super sale coupons for … [Read more...]
lazy mutt bed – tin bucket dog bed tutorial
I ended up buying a large white beverage tin with the intention of making something for the creatures. I really, really, really wanted to make this kitty play area for Annie based on this post from Gardners 2 Bergers but then we adopted Lemur. Crazy kitten + grass + dirt would not equal a good combination in our house. Condo Cat Backyard - From Gardners 2 BergerSo sad because it really is a cute idea for indoor kitties. The tin has just been taking up space in my family room all summer only … [Read more...]
pet crafts – pet toy organization
This is nothing fancy but I figured I would share what works for us for all those cohabiting with furry creatures. Living with multiple animals equals an assortment of toys and pet stuff in general. While I love my babies, there are certain things of theirs I am not a fan of. Clutter in general is not my thing so their toys have been known to drive me crazy. What is the best way to keep the pet toys in order? Cute storage containers is what works for me. The cats have a little greek key paper … [Read more...]